Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can't Figure Out Where to Travel Next?

I remember several years back, I knew I wanted to travel to Africa, but what I couldn’t figure out was which part of Africa.  I had a choice of visiting the Ivory Coast to learn more about the side of the family which had migrated from there against their will.  Then after much study and meditation, I learned that it had been the Africans themselves alone with Europeans who had laid the ground work for the ships with human cargo.

It was then that I decided that I wanted to visit the “top” of Africa and learn more about the Egyptians.  Something within me made me realize that most of my questions would be answered if I went to Egypt, rather than to the Ivory Coast.  I told myself, that with the information I learned in Egypt, I would be able to return to the West Coast of Africa in the future.

I made the right decision, for me, however, there was one major mistake.  There was no way that I was suppose to visit Egypt, cruise the Nile and remain in Africa for 10 days, without visiting Israel, while I was in that region of the world.  There is a reason why the travel industry promotes Egypt as a side trip when tourist, travel to Israel, and, visa verse when tourist travel to Egypt.  I didn’t study ‘all’ of the Travel Information, or I would have known that it would have been a good idea to visit the place where the Jews left from and the place they ended up, after 40 years!

I fully realized before I left the US, that ‘Travel is Education at It’s Best,’ and learning more about the journey from Egypt to Israel would have been extremely educational.  But as it was, the information was so powerful and overwhelming from my journey to Egypt, I’m not sure I could have handled the emotional outcome of visiting both places.

I thought it was only me who had a problem making a decision as to where to go next.  But as it turns out, the keywords: ‘places to travel’ is searched over 800,000 times a month on just one major  search engine.

Travel Information and travel classifieds goes a long way in helping travelers to learn more about where they might want to travel next.  Sure hundreds of thousands of people know they want to go to Hawaii, but which Island?  Do you want to fly, or cruise?  Or, fly to Hawaii and cruise the Islands for seven days?  What about the Mexican Riviera cruise? (Beautiful)

Or would you just rather go to Las Vegas?  And what about that trip to Disneyland that you promised the kids?  And since the cruise industries recent incidents, the cruise companies are almost giving away cruises, to get new people to cruise.  (Those of us who are repeat customers of the cruise industry, rarely allow incidents to stand in our way of a cruise – we understand that for the most part cruise ships are safe)  And you only have to unpack once, all meals included?  Visit three, four or five ports, two or three countries. Too many decisions, not enough vacation time. 

To gain insight on different places to travel, visit T360 Travel Classifieds and just browse through the travel categories.  There you will find some amazing travel tours, vacations, romantic travel, and much more.
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